MIND Marketplace

Welcome to the MIND Marketplace!

Here you will find a variety of items for purchase related to ST Math, MIND Research Institute, the MathMINDs Games and more. You can also purchase our ST Math Homeschool program, or make a donation to MIND, which helps fund our programs, initiatives, and research and development.

Sales tax and shipping will be added at checkout. We only accept credit cards for online purchases.

If you are a school or district who would like to pay by purchase order, please fill out this form and contact us at 866-569-7014 or store@mindresearch.org for help calculating shipping.

Thank you for joining us on our mission to ensure that all students are mathematically equipped to solve the world's biggest challenges!

Regular price $20.00
Regular price $15.00
Regular price $30.00
Regular price $5.75
Regular price $20.00
Regular price $35.00
Regular price $22.50 Sold Out
Regular price $6.95
Regular price $39.95
Regular price $35.00 Sold Out